Two of our dogs are now Delta Dogs

Here at Telarah Dog Training, we use treat training to get excellent results! And this year, here we have Rhonda with her beautiful black Labrador, and Beatrice with her also beautiful golden Australian Cobberdog Maggie, greatly benefitting from the excellent training our club provides.

Both these dogs have passed their assessment with Delta Therapy Dogs this year so they can go, as they are allocated, to hospitals, nursing homes and other places.

Telarah Dog Training Club using treat based training, an essential requirement for Delta Dogs.

Check out the Delta Website to find out more about this wonderful organisation and the work it does. Therapy Dogs | Australia | Delta Society

Miss Australia

Dogs’ Day Out in Maitland Showgrand was a fantastic day with many doggie themed stalls and races for all sizes and classes of dogs. Here are some our club dogs that did so well in the Best Dressed Dog competition:

Dogs, Bandit, Lucy and Lollie
Best Dressed first prize was Lollie