Puppy Classes

2025 Puppy Classes:

Puppy classes will recommence from Saturday 1st February, and are generally run over four week blocks on grounds at Jubilee St Scout Hall, commencing at beginning of the month. They are pre booked and requested to be paid in advance with your name and dogs name attending. Bank details will be supplied to you for payment upon contacting us.

Classes currently cost $60 which gives you yearly membership, 4 lessons and a training guide. Once completed your month in puppy class, the cost is $5 for each week you attend for ongoing classes.

Membership forms need to be completed and current vaccination certificates are required confirming all 3 shots have been administered at first puppy class. Parvovirus is currently circulating in the community, so this is best way to ensure the safety of all dog owners attending. Please come prepared with your chair, mat for the dog, lead and lots of soft treats to learn the basics of dog training.

Please email, didafftinc@gmail.com for further details. Note this is a change to previous contact email address from 16/1/2025..

Note: Disclaimer : TDT Inc reserves the right to assess dogs and their behaviour on attendance on a case by case basis, and may make a decision for the benefit and safety of all dog owners to exclude their attendance , if necessary.